EYEplay 1920 | 包裝及產品設計 Packaging & Product Design
The Great Gatsby 裡的愛情是菸灰下的迷惘,也是舞鞋下的狂放。擷取1920年代之元素,緞面布料 法式刺繡 銀珠 羽毛,展現該時代的紙醉金迷。
The sentiment view in The Great Gatsby is like a confused smoke, but also a wild dance step. Taking the elements of the 1920s as the design concept, satin fabrics, French embroidery, silver beads, feathers, show the luxury and gorgeousness of the era.
Art Direction ╱ Ivory Ho Packaging Design ╱ Ivory Ho . Peiling Song . Yuan Min Product Design ╱ Ivory Ho Photography ╱ Ivory Ho Location ╱ Shanghai
