This series of crossover shows the playful and justice of The Powerpuff Girls,
and at the same time a little more fashionable atmosphere,
let consumers recall their childhood, and also show the traits of women in the new generation.
The Powerpuff Girls ╳ HEDONE | 包裝及產品設計 Packaging & Product Design
Hedone 2019 FW 列商品以粉紫色為主基調,秋冬與飛天小女警聯名將兩者色調結合挑選具有復古感且展現冬季氛圍之色彩作為聯名系列的主基調。90年代為飛天小女警的誕生年代,使用8位元電子遊戲畫面體現,並結合飛天小女警人物個性愛好,完善角色形象,展現三個小女警的圖像之餘更能感受到她們各具特色的人設。從現今回憶,金蔥、透、閃,各種耀眼繽紛風格都是童年當中和飛天小女警並存的元素。本次聯名除展現飛天小女警自帶的俏皮正義特質,同時多了一絲時髦獨立氣息,帶著消費者回味童年之餘也展現出新時代女性的樣貌。
╯ Art Direction ╱ Ivory Ho Packaging Design ╱ Ivory Ho . Peiling Song . Yuan Min Product Design ╱ Ivory Ho Photography ╱ Ivory Ho Location ╱ Shanghai